The TensioMed team is productive and diverse. Members with scientific background, medical approach, excellent problem-solving skills and 'customer first' attitude create an ideal mix which turns ideas into reality. Learn more of us here.
Miklós Illyés

Miklós Illyés M.D. PhD - R.I.P

Graduated at the Semmelweis Medical University as medical doctor in 1974. Specialist exam in obstetrics and gynaecology in 1978. PhD degree was defended in 1987, titled: “The measurement of foetal and maternal haemodynamic by combined Doppler ultrasound”. In 1998 Miklos had become a hypertension specialist and received the “Török Eszter” award from the Hungarian Society of Hypertension for playing a determining role in the foundation of the Hungarian Society of Hypertension and for the introduction of ABPM methodology in Hungary. Used to be honoured professor at the Heart Institute of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, and a member of the Doctoral School of the University.. Main scientific activities are hypertension, circulatory physiology, and the non-invasive measurement of arterial stiffness. He was the inventor and patent holder of the Arteriograph method and apparatus.

József Béres

József Béres - Engineering Manager

While conducting his studies at the Budapest University of Technical and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics specialized in medical devices and robot control architectures, Jozsef also obtained a degree of biomedical engineering as well. As the joint owner of TensioMed Ltd. he has been working for the company for 18 years as engineering manager, designing engineer and quality assurance leader. As owner of multiple patents registered around the world, along with Miklos Illyes M.D. PhD he has participated or led numerous technical projects including developing the highly successful device capable of monitoring arterial function (TensioClinic Arteriograph), renewing the whole technical apparatus and preparing the required documentation for qualifications and regulations. He is responsible for modernising and further developing TensioMed’s current product range and exploring new opportunities from idea to realisation.

Dr. Amir Vafaei

Seyyed Amir Vafaei PhD - Chief Operating Officer

He is a PhD holder from Hungarian university of agriculture and life sciences, faculty of Management & Business Administration Science. He has received his master degree in MBA from IAUCTB and his bachelor degree in Industrial engineering. Amir is a pro-active commercial manager with few years work experience in different companies & businesses. His experience and ambitions has enabled him to develop a valuable and transferable skill set which stands him in good stead for the chief operating officer role in TensioMed.

Olen Johannsen

Olen Johannsen - Business Development Manager

With his Double Degree in International Business with focus on International Management and Supply Chain Management in Germany and China, and his written dissertation about the acceptance of Arteriograph in Germany, Olen brings along good conditions for his job as a business development manager. Olen has worked in the tele-medical field for several years and has experience in software development, product management, brand development and business model development in the health care sector. Being the general manager of the German entity of TensioMed, Olen is fully responsible for all sales and marketing activities in the DACH region. Olen’s very international background and multicultural understanding, being born and raised in the United States, educated in Germany, and speaking Chinese within the family, suits the company slogan “TensioMed goes Global!”.

Timo H. Lasola

Timo H. Lasola PhD - Communication Manger

Dr Timo H Lasola has MSc (in applied electronics) degree from Helsinki University of Technology in Finland and has conducted his PhD research on organisational management routines. Timo has 29 years of international working experience at healthcare technology firms, has after leaving Finland been living in Cambridge and London in the UK as well as Fairfax VA, close to Washington D.C. in the US and the last 5 years in Dubai UAE before moving to Budapest where he became the CEO of TensioMed in August. Timo’s main responsibility as the CEO is to build TensioMed direct global sales, marketing and distribution operations in Europe and APAC and work with strategic partners in the Americas, Australia & New Zealand as well as Africa. With the strong industrial high-tech healthcare technology background, we are now fully capable of going global and bringing TensioMed Arteriograph to new important markets for preventive cardiovascular screening.

Miklós Illyés

Miklós Illyés M.D. PhD - R.I.P

Graduated at the Semmelweis Medical University as medical doctor in 1974. Specialist exam in obstetrics and gynaecology in 1978. PhD degree was defended in 1987, titled: “The measurement of foetal and maternal haemodynamic by combined Doppler ultrasound”. In 1998 Miklos had become a hypertension specialist and received the “Török Eszter” award from the Hungarian Society of Hypertension for playing a determining role in the foundation of the Hungarian Society of Hypertension and for the introduction of ABPM methodology in Hungary. Used to be honoured professor at the Heart Institute of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, and a member of the Doctoral School of the University.. Main scientific activities are hypertension, circulatory physiology, and the non-invasive measurement of arterial stiffness. He was the inventor and patent holder of the Arteriograph method and apparatus.

József Béres

József Béres - Engineering Manager

While conducting his studies at the Budapest University of Technical and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics specialized in medical devices and robot control architectures, Jozsef also obtained a degree of biomedical engineering as well. As the joint owner of TensioMed Ltd. he has been working for the company for 18 years as engineering manager, designing engineer and quality assurance leader. As owner of multiple patents registered around the world, along with Miklos Illyes M.D. PhD he has participated or led numerous technical projects including developing the highly successful device capable of monitoring arterial function (TensioClinic Arteriograph), renewing the whole technical apparatus and preparing the required documentation for qualifications and regulations. He is responsible for modernising and further developing TensioMed’s current product range and exploring new opportunities from idea to realisation.

Dr. Amir Vafaei

Seyyed Amir Vafaei PhD - Chief Operating Officer

He is a PhD holder from Hungarian university of agriculture and life sciences, faculty of Management & Business Administration Science. He has received his master degree in MBA from IAUCTB and his bachelor degree in Industrial engineering. Amir is a pro-active commercial manager with few years work experience in different companies & businesses. His experience and ambitions has enabled him to develop a valuable and transferable skill set which stands him in good stead for the chief operating officer role in TensioMed.

Olen Johannsen

Olen Johannsen - Business Development Manager

With his Double Degree in International Business with focus on International Management and Supply Chain Management in Germany and China, and his written dissertation about the acceptance of Arteriograph in Germany, Olen brings along good conditions for his job as a business development manager. Olen has worked in the tele-medical field for several years and has experience in software development, product management, brand development and business model development in the health care sector. Being the general manager of the German entity of TensioMed, Olen is fully responsible for all sales and marketing activities in the DACH region. Olen’s very international background and multicultural understanding, being born and raised in the United States, educated in Germany, and speaking Chinese within the family, suits the company slogan “TensioMed goes Global!”.

Timo H. Lasola

Timo H. Lasola PhD - Communication Manger

Dr Timo H Lasola has MSc (in applied electronics) degree from Helsinki University of Technology in Finland and has conducted his PhD research on organisational management routines. Timo has 29 years of international working experience at healthcare technology firms, has after leaving Finland been living in Cambridge and London in the UK as well as Fairfax VA, close to Washington D.C. in the US and the last 5 years in Dubai UAE before moving to Budapest where he became the CEO of TensioMed in August. Timo’s main responsibility as the CEO is to build TensioMed direct global sales, marketing and distribution operations in Europe and APAC and work with strategic partners in the Americas, Australia & New Zealand as well as Africa. With the strong industrial high-tech healthcare technology background, we are now fully capable of going global and bringing TensioMed Arteriograph to new important markets for preventive cardiovascular screening.