
Cardiovascular diseases place a significant burden on healthcare systems worldwide. The primary cause of these diseases is the development of atherosclerosis and vascular calcification, which lead to the stiffening and loss of elasticity in arteries.

Pulse Wave Analysis (PWA) and Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity (PWVao) measurements are crucial tests for identifying arterial stiffness resulting from asymptomatic atherosclerosis and vascular calcification. These measurements provide valuable prognostic information regarding cardiovascular events such as stroke and myocardial infarction. Importantly, the relationship between arterial stiffness parameters and cardiovascular events remains significant even after accounting for traditional risk factors such as age, smoking, blood pressure, gender, and cholesterol.

The Arteriograph is an innovative, patented (US Pat. No. 20070106162), and non-invasive technique and device that accurately assesses Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity (PWVao) and performing Pulse Wave Analysis (PWA) using a single upper arm cuff.

The accuracy is validated invasively for oscillometric measurement and determination of fundamental central hemodynamic parameters (SBPao, AIXao, PWV). What is unique to the Arteriograph are the real-time transmission and visualisation of the detected pressure curves by the Arteriograph software.

The novelty of the Arteriograph device in detecting the mentioned parameters is that a single upper arm cuff is used as a sensor, but in a very special condition; the cuff is pressurised to a suprasystolic level, ensuring to obtain pure pressure signals (waves). Arteriograph is an office device, but a portable and ideal tool for screening purposes.

This device provides the following parameters – within 2 minutes (!) – absolutely user independently (only a software function or a push button is used at the start):

Arteriograph User Manuals Published Since 2021